Latin name

Blepsias bilobus

Other names

Blepsias bilobus


It has a deep, compressed body, all covered with spines. The snout is short, blunt, the interorbital space very broad, concave, equal to 1.5 of the eye diameter. There is a short occipital ridge. The mouth is wide, oblique, the maxilla extending to the vertical of the pupil. Teeth are small, sparsely distributed.

Features of fish fins

The first dorsal fin is smooth and rounded, not serrate. The second dorsal fin and anal fin are large and opposite each other. The dorsal fin has 8 or 9 spines and 21 or 22 soft rays, the anal fin has 18 to 20 soft rays. The pectoral fin has 15 to 17 rays and the small pelvic fin has 3 soft rays. The caudal fin is rounded.

Fish colouring

Upper body coloration is brown to olive green with indistinct spots on the dorsum, lighter on the ventral side. Fins have dark spots, except for the pectoral fin which has a dark band.


North Pacific Ocean: from the northern Sea of Japan to the Bering Sea and northern British Columbia, Canada. Most abundant in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.


It is a coastal bottom fish that inhabits depths from 0 to 250 m (0 to 820 ft), although it is often found off the bottom. It prefers temperate climates.


The maximum published length is 25 cm (9.8 inches).


They are found near the shore, often well above the bottom. They are poor swimmers and do not migrate. They are usually found as individuals and do not form schools.

Food and feeding habits

Predator, feeds on fish and invertebrates.


Caviar is large, with a thick shell, sticky.


They have no commercial significance.

Relationship with a person

Not to be eaten. 

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Scorpaeniformes
Family Agonidae
Genus Blepsias
Species B. bilobus
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Bottom
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 25
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Not edible
Way of eating Predator

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