Latin name

Aulostomus chinensis

Other names

Aulostomus chinensis


Have a long body. Tubular, prominent snout with a mouth that can open to the diameter of the body. Body covered with fine scales, head and front part of back without scales. The lateral line is complete.

Features of fish fins

The first dorsal fin is represented by 8-12 separate barbs. The second dorsal and anal fins are symmetrically located far back, next to the caudal fin. The pelvic fins are located in the center of the body. They are small, with 6 rays. 

Fish colouring

The coloration may vary. It may be single colored - yellow, green, or brown with brownish or gray speckles. There is usually a black band across the upper jaw, which may be absent. The dorsal and anal fins are transparent, often with a dark band at the base. There are 2 black spots at the base of the caudal fin. 


Widespread in the Indian and Pacific Oceans from the east coast of Africa to Panama. Not found in the Red Sea. The northern limit of the range passes through southern Japan and Hawaii, and the southern limit passes through Lord Howe Island and Easter Island.


Tropical marine benthopelagic species. They live at depths from 0 to 200m in rocky and coral reefs, more often staying closer to the seabed. 


Reaches a maximum length of 80 cm, but more commonly 60 cm. 


They lead solitary lives. 

Food and feeding habits

They feed on fish or shrimp, often specializing on one type of prey throughout their lives, either eating only small fish or only shrimp. Having discovered, they slowly swim up to the victim and immediately open their jaws to suck it in. They often approach the prey using large fish as camouflage. 


During the breeding season, males compete for females. Mating occurs shortly before sunset. Oviparous, gonochorous, with pelagic eggs.


Have little commercial importance in fisheries.

Relationship with a person

Can be bred as an aquarium fish.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Syngnathiformes
Family Aulostomidae
Genus Aulostomus
Species A. chinensis
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 80
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Predator

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