• Blackline fangblenny

Latin name

Meiacanthus nigrolineatus

Other name

Meiacanthus nigrolineatus


Meiacanthus: Greek, meion = less = lessen + Greek, akantha = thorn. 

Blackline Fangblenny have an elongated body shape with a blunt head and large eyes. The body is scaleless. There is no swim bladder. 

Features of fish fins

Fish of this species have a large continuous dorsal fin with 3-17 spines.

Fish colouring

Blackline fangblenny are brightly colored. They have a blue head, yellow body and black dorsal fin. 


Widespread in the western Indian Ocean: Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.


A tropical marine reef associated fish. 


This species reaches a length of 9.5 centimeters (3.7 inches).


Adults swim above the bottom. Juveniles have been observed mixing with apogonids among Diadema spines as a defense against predators such as Pterois. 

Food and feeding habits

Adults feed on zooplankton. 


Egg-laying. Eggs are bottom-attached and attached to the substrate by a fibrous adhesive pad or support. Larvae are planktonic, often inhabiting shallow coastal waters.


This species is commercially important for fishing.

Relationship with a person

Venomous. This poisonous species occasionally enters the aquarium trade.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Blenniiformes
Family Blenniidae
Genus Meiacanthus
Species M. nigrolineatus
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Bottom
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 9,5
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Not edible
Way of eating Planktonophage

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Blackline fangblenny

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