Latin name

Seriola dumerili

Other names

Amberjack, jack, amberfish, jack hammer, horseeye bonito, horse-eye jack, Allied kingfish (Australia); French: poisson limon, sériole couronnée; Hawaiian: kahala; Japanese: kanpachi; Spanish: coronado, pez de limón, serviola


This fish is greenish-blue to almost purple or brown above the lateral line and silvery below the lateral line. A dark olive-brown diagonal stripe runs from the mouth through both eyes to the first dorsal fin. A broad amber stripe runs horizontally along the sides. The fins may also have a yellow tint. The large amberjack has short anterior dorsal fins, the head is bluntly pointed, and the fins are not separated. The amber band sometimes causes fishermen to confuse a large amberjack with a yellowtail, but it can be distinguished by 16 developed gill lobes on the lower extremity, the yellowtail has 21 to 28 gill lobes.


In North America, the greater seriola is found off Hawaii, off the coast of Florida, and in nearby Caribbean waters.


Found mainly in offshore waters and in considerable depths, and around offshore reefs, shipwrecks, buoys, and oil rigs. They can be caught anywhere in the water column, at depths of up to several hundred feet, but mostly at depths of 60 to 240 feet.


The average amberjack usually weighs up to 40 pounds, can weigh more than 50 pounds and, according to some reports, exceeds 170 pounds. It can be more than 5 feet long.

Life history and Behavior

The Great Amberjack is often found in groups, but is not a gregarious fish. Migrations are associated with spawning behavior, which occurs in the Atlantic from March to June.

Food and feeding habits

The great amberjack feeds on fish, crabs, and squid.


It spawns from March to June. Spawning may occur in coastal ocean waters, but little research has been done. Spawning fish congregate near reefs and shipwrecks.


Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Carangiformes
Family Carangidae
Genus Seriola
Species dumerili
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg 80.6
Maximum length, cm 190
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Predator

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