
Guide to marine fish with sorting and selection options by family, feeding method, size, and other important characteristics.

Shrimp scad

Shrimp scad

Latin nameAlepes djedabaOther nameSlender yellowtail kingfishIdentificationThe body of the shrimp sc..

Sicklefin weasel shark

Sicklefin weasel shark

Latin nameHemigaleus microstomaOther nameHemigaleus microstomaIdentificationThe sicklefin weasel sha..

Silky shark

Silky shark

Latin nameCarcharhinus falciformisOther namesBlackspot shark, gray whaler shark, olive shark, ridgeb..

Silver pomfret

Silver pomfret

Latin namePampus argenteusOther namesWhite pomfret, pompanoIdentificationBody very large, strongly c..

Silvermouth trevally

Silvermouth trevally

Latin nameUlua aurochsOther namesBlack-crested Trevally, Longraker Trevally, Mirror-mouthed Trevally..



Latin name Leuresthes tenuis Other names California Grunion Identification All fish lack a late..

Silvertip shark

Silvertip shark

Latin nameCarcharhinus albimarginatusOther namesCarcharhinus albimarginatusIdentificationIt is a pow..

Six-line wrasse

Six-line wrasse

Latin namePseudocheilinus hexataeniaOther namesPseudocheilinus hexataeniaIdentificationFish with an ..

Sixgill stingray

Sixgill stingray

Latin nameHexatrygon bickelliOther namesHexatrygon bickelliIdentificationBody flabby, massive, snout..

Sixspine butterflyfish

Sixspine butterflyfish

Latin nameParachaetodon ocellatusOther nameParachaetodon ocellatusIdentificationSix-spined butterfly..

Sixspot goby

Sixspot goby

Latin nameValenciennea sexguttataOther nameСhalk goby, sleeper blue dot goby.IdentificationThese fis..

Skipjack, Black

Skipjack, Black

Latin name Euthynnus lineatus Other names Little tuna, false albacore, spotted tuna, mackerel tun..



Latin name Gobiomorus dormitor Other names Bigmouth Sleeper Identification Sleepers are closely..

Slender grouper

Slender grouper

Latin nameAnyperodon leucogrammicusOther namesWhitelined cod, white-lined cod, white-lined rockcod, ..

Sloane's viperfish

Sloane's viperfish

Latin nameChauliodus sloaniOther nameChauliodus sloaniIdentificationC. sloani has a low lipid conten..

Showing 601 to 615 of 771 (52 Pages)