Guide to marine fish with sorting and selection options by family, feeding method, size, and other important characteristics.
Hopbeard plunderfish
Latin namePogonophryne neyeloviOther namePogonophryne neyeloviIdentificationThe species name Hopbear..
Horned lantern fish
Latin nameCentrophryne spinulosaOther namesPrickly seadevil IdentificationMetamorphosed females..
Latin nameTylosurus crocodilusOther namesСrocodile needlefishIdentificationThe main difference betwe..
Humpback anglerfish
Latin nameMelanocetus johnsoniiOther namesAnglerfish, viperfish, fangtoothfishIdentificationDorsum w..
Humphead wrasse
Latin nameCheilinus undulatusOther namesMāori wrasse, Napoleon wrasse, Napoleon fish.IdentificationA..
Humpnose big-eye bream
Latin nameMonotaxis grandoculisOther nameHumpnose big-eye bream, bigeye barenose, bigeye bream, bige..
Indian anchovy
Latin nameStolephorus indicusOther nameHardenberg's anchovy, kapsali, verli, kollathar, mandeli.Iden..
Indian halibut
Latin namePsettodes erumeiOther nameAdalahIdentificationThe body of the Indian halibut is oval in sh..
Indian mackerel
Latin nameRastrelliger kanagurtaOther namesRastrelliger kanagurtaIdentificationBody elongated, spind..
Indian Ocean humbug
Latin nameDascyllus abudafurOther namesBanded Dascyllus, Banded Humbug, Black-and-White Damselfish, ..
Indian oil sardine
Latin nameSardinella longicepsOther namesSardinella longicepsIdentificationBody spindle-shaped, subc..
Indian parrotfish
Latin nameChlorurus capistratoidesOther namesPink-margined parrotfishIdentificationThe head of these..
Indian pike conger
Latin nameCongresox talabonoidesOther nameCommon eel, conger-pike eel, daggertooth pike-conger or In..
Indian sand tiger
Latin nameCarcharias tricuspidatusOther nameCarcharias tricuspidatusIdentificationCarcharias: From t..
Indian scad
Latin nameDecapterus russelliOther nameNorthern mackerel scad, round scad, Russell's mackerel scad, ..