Latin name
Betta splendens
Other name
The body of the Siamese fighting fish is oval, flattened at the sides and elongated in length. The scales are cycloid. The fish slightly resembles a macropod. It is a labyrinth fish that also uses atmospheric air to breathe.
Features of fish fins
Males have longer fins than females. They are short and rounded.
Fish colouring
The colouration of the wild form is light olive, slightly grey, with darker stripes running along or across the body (depending on the mood). Breeders have produced numerous colour and voile variations which have become very popular in the aquarium hobby.
Selective fighters are among the most beautiful aquarium fish, surpassing all other members of their family in brightness and beauty of colouring. To date, variations of red, blue, yellow, green, pink, white colours have been bred, during the movement of fish, body colouring in bright light, plays and shimmers, taking on different shades. Males are particularly bright during spawning or when fighting with other males. Female fighting fish are slightly paler than males and have small fins. Although recently there have been females with slightly elongated fins, the colouration is not inferior to that of the males.
Widespread in the waters off Thailand, Vietnam, the Malay Peninsula and the islands of Indonesia.
Siamese fighting fish prefer warm, fresh, slow moving or standing water.
Males reach up to 5 cm in length, females about 4 cm. These fish do not live longer than 3 years.
Fish can fight. In this case, the fight follows a single scenario: first, the fish swim to the surface, breathe air, and then actively fight - attacking, biting each other. The climax of the fight is when the fish clench their mouths together for a minute or a minute and a half.
Food and feeding habits
Adult fish will feed on insect larvae, especially various mosquitoes. They will also eat zooplankton, pipefish (brown worm), freshwater and saltwater artemia.
They become sexually mature at the age of 3-4 months. On the surface, the male builds a frothy nest of air bubbles, which he binds with saliva. During spawning, the male and female collect eggs sinking to the bottom and push them into the nest. After spawning, the male drives the female away. The male takes care of the nest independently, collecting eggs that fall into the nest and later collecting larvae and fry that float to the side of the nest. Breeding 100-300 eggs, incubation 36 hours (depending on water temperature), recommended water temperature for spawning and egg development 28-36°C.
This species is commercially important for fishing.
Relationship with a person
The Siamese fighting fish is one of the most popular aquarium fish in the world.
Interesting facts
If disturbed, a male Siamese fighting fish will rush to attack. They fight ferociously. In Siam, these fighting fish are specially trained for public fights. Many spectators place bets like at a horse race and reward the winner with loud applause.
Classification | |
Phylum | Chordata |
Class | Actinopterygii |
Squad | Anabantiformes |
Family | Osphronemidae |
Genus | Betta |
Species | B. splendens |
Features | |
Conservation status | Vulnerable |
Habitat | Pelagic |
Life span, years | 3 |
Maximum body weight, kg | No information |
Maximum length, cm | 5 |
Sailing speed, m/s | No information |
Threat to people | Edible |
Way of eating | Planktonophage |
Siamese fighting fish
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