Fauna of the Alboran Sea
The Alboran Sea is a transitional zone between ocean and sea, containing a mixture of Mediterranean and Atlantic species.
Common fish of the Alboran Sea
It is estimated that there are around 300 species of fish in the Alboran Sea. Commercial fish include barracuda, hake, mullet, ocean sunfish, engraulis, monkfish, sardine and swordfish. Unusual Flying fishes are common in Alboran.
Invertebrates of the Alboran Sea
Invertebrates from the Alboran Sea include Nephrops norvegicus and Halocaridina rubra.
Molluscs of the Alboran Sea
Squid and mussels are abundant in Alboran, as well as a mysterious scallop called "Zamburiña".
Alboran Sea Sharks
About 20 species of sharks have been recorded here, including the Squalidae and the school shark.
Mammals of the Alboran Sea
The Alboran Sea is characterised by a high diversity of cetaceans, including important species such as the sperm whale, orca, pilot whale, minke whale, fin whale, Cuvier's beaked whale, common dolphin, striped dolphin and Risso's dolphin. Alboran is home to the largest population of bottlenose dolphins in Europe. It is also home to the only surviving population of harbour porpoises in the western Mediterranean.
Reptiles of the Alboran Sea
The Alboran Sea is an important feeding ground for the loggerhead sea turtle in Europe.
Barracuda, Great
Latin name Sphyraena barracuda Other names Сuda, sea pike, giant sea pike; French: barracuda, bro..
Common bottlenose dolphin
Latin nameTursiops truncatusOther namesAtlantic bottlenose dolphinIdentificationThe moderately devel..
Dogfish, Spiny
Latin name Squalus acanthias Other names Dogfish, dog shark, grayfish, Pacific grayfish, Pacific ..
Dolphin, Common
Latin name Coryphaena hippurus Other names Dolphinfish, common dolphinfish, mahimahi, mahi mahi, ..
Flying fishes
Flying fish (Exocoetidae) is a family of Beloniformes. It has 8 genera, about 50 species. Body lengt..
Latin name Lophius americanus Other names American goosefish, anglerfish, monkfish, lotte, bellyf..
Hake, Silver
Latin name Merluccius bilinearis Other names Atlantic hake, whiting, frostfish; French: merlu arg..
Latin name Mugil cephalus, Mugil curema Other names Striped mullet, white mullet, flathead g..
Sardine is a fish of two genera Sardina and Sardinops of the family Clupeidae. The mouth is terminal..
School shark
Latin nameGaleorhinus galeusOther namesSnapper shark, soupfin, soupfin shark, tope sharkIdentificati..
Identification Like all fish, sharks are vertebrates, but ichthyologists separate them from most bo..
Squid (Teuthida) is a subdivision of the class Cephalopoda. The body is elongated, torpedo-shaped, w..
Sunfish, Ocean
Latin name Mola mola Other names Headfish, moonfish; Danish/Swedish: klumpfisk; Dutch: maanvis; F..
Latin name Xiphias gladius Other names Roadbill, broadbill swordfish; Arabic: kheil al bahar; Fre..