• Stenogaline animals

Stenogaline animals are animals adapted to life in water with slight fluctuations in salt concentration.

From steno... and the Greek halinos, salty.

Aquatic animals that cannot tolerate significant changes in water salinity. They include the vast majority of inhabitants of seas and freshwater bodies, but very few representatives of brackish-water fauna are euryhaline animals.

Most of the animals living in freshwater bodies belong to stenogaline organisms.

Marine stenogaline organisms include coccolithophorids, radiolarians, hydroid polyps, coral polyps, scyphoid jellyfish, polychaetes, polychaetes, winged clams, killifish clams, cephalopod clams, plethoderms, bristle-jawed clams, abalone crayfish, euphausiids, rotiferous crayfish, echinoderms, shellfish, and a number of other groups; A large number of marine species are found among diatoms, peridines, coriaceae, infusoria, sponges, paddlefoot crayfish, barnacles, equal-legged crayfish, amphipods, mysids, ten-legged crayfish, gastropods, bivalves, bryozoans, fishes and other groups.

A small number of species can be considered as typical mesohaline species inhabiting only brackish water bodies. For example, some rotifers (species Brachionus, Pedalia), and branchiopod crayfish (Podonevadne, Corniger, Cercopagis) inhabiting the slightly saline Azov and Caspian Seas.

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Stenogaline animals

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