Peled (Coregonus peled) is a lake-river fish of the genus whitefish. The body is high, the horn is terminal, the scales in the lateral line are 74-98, the gill stamens are 49-68. Length up to 30 cm. It lives in the basins of the rivers of the Arctic Oksana from the Mezen to the Kolyma. It feeds in lakes connected by channels with riverbeds. Puberty occurs in the fourth or fifth year of life. It sweeps eggs in rivers or lakes in October-November, in lakes - December at a water temperature of 1-3 ° C on sandy or pebble soil at a depth of 1.5 - 3 m. The absolute fertility of 5-85 thousand yellow-orange eggs. It feeds mainly on: plankton. Peled is a promising object of acclimatization and cultivation in ponds and lakes. Important commercial fish.

The peled is easily distinguished from other whitefish by its terminal mouth, the upper jaw of which is only slightly longer than the lower one, and a large number of gill stamens (49-68). The color of the peled is silver with a dark gray back, darker than other whitefish, small black dots on the head and dorsal fin. Peled is a high—bodied fish, sharply different from elongated, long-billed grouse, tugun and omul. The body is high, compressed from the sides. The size of the peled is up to 40-55 cm, the weight is up to 2.5—3 kg, less often 4-5 kg. Planktophagus. Peled inhabits lakes and rivers of the north of Eurasia — from the Mezen, in the west, to the Kolyma in the east. She does not go out to sea, only occasionally getting caught in the slightly salted water of the Kara Bay. If the omul is a passing whitefish, and the tugun is mainly riverine, then the peled can be called lake. As a rule, it avoids flowing waters, concentrating in potable lakes, old trees, channels. Peled also spawns in lakes.

Lake and lake-river fish are able to enter the deltas of the rivers of the Arctic Ocean east of the Mezen in spring, with the rise of water, juveniles and adult pelage diverge for feeding along floodplain reservoirs — lakes, backwaters of the lower reaches and the estuary area. With the decline of water, there is a slope into channels and rivers.

Spawning — in autumn, during the ice age, from September to December, in lakes, in places where keys exit, and in rivers, on pebble soil. Fertility is 5-85 thousand eggs with a diameter of up to one and a half millimeters. The development from fry to adult lasts 6-7 months. The life cycle is usually limited to 8-11 years.

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