Weights are designed to straighten and sink the lower part of the fishing gear. Lead plates, metal rings, cast-iron rods, stones, chains, bricks, burnt clay of a certain shape, etc. are used as weights.
The modern fishing sinker on a float fishing line is a piece of lead. Often regular lead shot cut down to the middle is used. The sinker is also made of lead sheet, wrapping a small piece of it around the fishing line. It is used in fishing to level the float and to reach the hook with the bait at a given depth. It can also be mounted on fishing nets. Most often amateur fishermen cast their own sinkers for a kettlebell (dock). A sinker cast in a teaspoon will weigh about 50 grams, in a dessert spoon - about 100 grams, in a tablespoon - about 150 grams.
Fishing sinker
Tags: fishing sinker