Common nase (Chondrostoma nasus) is a freshwater fish of the carp family. The lower jaw is covered with a horny pouch. The inner mouth cavity is covered with a black film. It inhabits the basins of the Baltic and southern seas of the country. River gregarious fish. Puberty occurs at 3-5 years of age. Spawning in April - May on a fast current, in places with pebble and stony ground. Hatch up to 30 thousand relatively large (up to 2 mm) eggs. It feeds on algae, scraping them off rocks, snags, sunken trees, crustaceans, insect larvae and fish eggs. Fishery value is insignificant. The object of sport fishing.
The common nase is a typical river fish. It reaches a length of 50 centimeters and a weight of 1-1.5 kilograms, very rarely two kilograms. Slightly flattened from the sides, the body of the podusta provides great speed of the fish. All fins, except the caudal fin, are yellowish-orange. The dorsal fin is smoky gray.
Common nase feeds on organic remains deposited on the bottom of the water body, as well as various small bottom invertebrates on stony and hard sandy bottoms. The best feeding conditions are at shallow depths (0.4-1.8 meters) where the ground is covered with a carpet of algae. Its other name is Black-bellied, which came to him because of one unusual feature: when cutting the lower part of the abdomen, it shows clearly defined black layers along the walls. So far, this "phenomenon" has not been explained from the point of view of biology.
The habitat of this fish is almost all large rivers of Europe, except for its northern parts. Common nase is known to be found in northern France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy and Russia. It is a gregarious fish species, living in deep water with a fast current, often near bridges or rapids. Spawning takes place in the first half of spring. Podusta fry develop in shallow water. The maximum life expectancy of the fish (recorded) is 15 years.
Common nase
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