Comephoridae is a family of Scorpaeniformes. These fish have no pelvic fins, but their pectoral fins are very large, successfully helping them to live and swim in the water column of a large lake. The body of the holomyaenki is bare, covered with soft skin, the gill membranes are not attached to the intergill space. Fertilization is internal. This family includes only two species: Comephorus baikalensis, up to 23 cm long, has large eyes and lives at depths of 800 m; Comephorus dybowski, 14-16 cm long, lives at depths of 1000 m. They feed on pelagic crustaceans and their young. The naked boobies are the main food item for Baikal seals. They have no commercial value.

Comephoridae differ sharply from all other hornworts by their general appearance, weak development of the second suborbital bone, and absence of pelvic fins. The pectoral fins of these fish are extremely well developed, which helps them, generally poor swimmers, to live and swim in the water column. The body of the holomianka is almost transparent, pale pink in color with a pearlescent sheen. Livebearing fish. Females of the great somephoridae hatch in June - August to 2300 eggs, of which the formed larvae hatch immediately. After hatching, the females die. The females of the Lesser Somephoridae apparently die in much smaller numbers than in the previous species. The fish feed almost exclusively on amphipods. The melted fat of the great Somephoridae is used in Oriental medicine and is highly valued.

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