• Smooth-headed catfish

Latin name

Plicofollis nella

Other name

Shieldhead catfish


Described by Achille Valenciennes in 1840, originally in the genus Pimelodus.

Body elongated, compressed. Head depressed, scutellum almost smooth, slightly delineated. Dorsomedian furrow shallow and short, not reaching anteriorly to the level of the posterior margin of the eye. Supraorbital process rounded in adult. Palatine teeth granular or conical with blunt ends. Anterior plate small and oval; posterior plate elongate, thin. Internal gill lobes absent on 2 anterior gill arches. Lateral line bifurcates behind the base of the caudal fin. 

The name of the genus Plicofollis, from plico - fold; follis - fur or air pouch, refers to the folded swim bladder characteristic of this genus. The species name pella is derived from nalla-jella, the local name of this catfish in Vizagapatam, India.

Fish colouring

Body silvery, dorsal brownish, all fins blackish or darkish, adipose fin with black edge. 


Widespread in the eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean, from the east coast of India to the east coast of Australia, northward to the Philippines. 


A marine tropical brackish bottom dwelling species.


These fish reach a maximum total length of 19 inches (47 centimeters).


They inhabit coastal waters and estuaries. 

Food and feeding habits

It feeds mainly on sea urchins. 


Fished mainly with bottom trawls, bamboo traps and longlines. 

Relationship with a person

This type is traumatizing to people.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Siluriformes
Family Ariidae
Genus Plicofollis
Species P. nellanella
Conservation status Not Evaluated
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 47
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Planktonophage

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Smooth-headed catfish

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