Latin name

Antennarius biocellatus

Other name

Brackish water anglerfish, freshwater frogfish twinspot frogfish, fishing frog.


Antennarius biocellatus has a second dorsal process that is longer than the first, the illicium, and ends in a small protrusion or lure. The second dorsal process is not connected to the head by a ligament. The body is deep and slightly compressed. 

Features of fish fins

The second dorsal fin has 12 soft rays, while the anal fin has 6 or 7 soft rays. 

Fish colouring

The eye at the base of the posterior part of the dorsal fin is surrounded by a thin pale yellow ring with a black border. 


Antennarius biocellatus is found in the western Pacific Ocean from Indonesia and the Philippines eastward through New Guinea and the Solomon Islands northward to Taiwan. 


A marine, tropical, brackish, bottom-dwelling species. It occurs at depths of 0 to 10 m (0 to 33 ft) in estuaries and coastal waters, including reefs. It has been recorded in freshwater.


The maximum published standard length of this species is 5.5 inches (14 cm).


This species is unusual among antennariids in that it often inhabits brackish or even completely freshwater environments. 

Food and feeding habits

These are predators that sit motionless in ambush and lure prey into their mouths with an esca. 


Females lay their eggs in the form of a gelatinous mass or ribbon known as an "egg-raft" or "veil".


Not interesting for fishing.

Relationship with a person

Poisonous to eat.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Lophiiformes
Family Antennariidae
Genus Antennarius
Species A. biocellatus
Conservation status Data Deficient
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 14
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Not edible
Way of eating Predator

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Brackish water frogfish

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