• Diphyllobothriasis

Latin diphyllobothriasis.

Helminthiasis of the group of cestodoses, a zooanthroponotic infestation caused by Diphyllobothrium latum, less frequently D. dendriticum and D. klebanovskii (D. luxi).

Invasive disease caused by tapeworm and broad tapeworm. The causative agent is the larva of helminthes. Sources of infection are perch, shuka, ruff, burbot, grayling, trout, whitefish, Far East salmon. Diphyllobothriosis larvae are white and 1 to 10 cm long. When diphyllobothriosis in humans observed nausea, abdominal pain, poor appetite, indigestion, fatigue, irritability, weakness, sometimes anemia.

Diphyllobothriasis occurs in Europe, the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union, North America, Asia, Uganda, Per, and Chile. Foci of Diphyllobothriasis chaea (D. dendriticum) have been observed in the northern regions of Siberia and the Lake Baikal area. The nosoareal of diphyllobothriosis caused by D. klebanovskii, covers the shelf zones of island, peninsular and continental territories of the Far Eastern seas, as well as the basins of the Far Eastern rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean water area, except for the northern part of the western Priokhota within the range of the Far Eastern salmon populations of North Okhotsk. Sparganosis is common in Japan and China.

Diphyllobothriasis is an emerging infectious disease in certain parts of the world where the cultural practice of eating raw or undercooked fish has been introduced.

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