Fish living in the Mediterranean Sea
Fish species found in the Mediterranean Sea.
Flounder, Southern
Latin Name Paralichthys lethostigma Other names Flat..
Shark, Basking
Latin name Cetorhinus maximus Other names No information Identification The dark gray or slate-..
Shark, Blacktip
Latin name Carcharhinus limbatus Other names Blacktip whaler, common blacktip shark, small blackt..
Shark, Porbeagle
Latin name Lamna nasus Other names Beaumaris shark, blue dog, bonito shark, herring shark, macker..
Spearfish, Mediterranean
Latin name Tetrapturus belone Other names French: aguglia impériale; Italian: acura imperiale, ag..
Latin name Galeorhinus galeus Other names Flake, greyboy, greyshark, hundshai, school shark, snap..
Torpedo, Atlantic
Latin name Torpedo nobiliana Other names Torpedo, electric ray, dark electric ray; French: torpil..
Tunny, Little
Latin name Euthynnus alletteratus Other names Little tuna, Atlantic little tunny, false albacore,..