Latin name

Cephalopholis miniata

Other names

Coral hind, coral rock cod, coral cod, coral trout, round-tailed trout, vermillion seabass


Body elongate, massive, slightly compressed at the sides, covered on the sides with ctenoid scales. Body length less than head length, 2.6-3.0 times the standard body length (in individuals 10 to 30 cm long). Head length 2.4-2.6 times the standard body length. Interorbital space flat or slightly convex. The premaxilla is rounded with serrated edges, the lower edge is fleshy. Upper edge of gill cover strongly convex. The upper jaw is covered with scales, the tip reaching or slightly exceeding the vertical line passing through the posterior eye margin. There are 7-9 on the upper part of the first gill arch and 14-16 on the lower part. There are 47-56 scales on the lateral line. There are 94-114 rows of scales along the lateral line, scales on the sides of the body without additional scales.

Features of fish fins

The dorsal fin has 9 hard and 14-16 soft rays; the membranes between the hard rays are truncated. The anal fin has 3 hard and 9 (rarely 8) soft rays. The edge of the fin is rounded. Pectoral fins have 17-18 soft rays. The pelvic fins are shorter than the pectoral fins, their ends do not reach the anus. The caudal fin is rounded. 

Fish colouring

Body and head orange-red to reddish-brown, covered with small (usually with dark edges) pale blue-grey or light blue spots, smaller than the diameter of the eye. Sometimes irregular oblique pale stripes run down the sides of the body. The pectoral fins are orange-yellow distally. The soft parts of the dorsal, caudal and anal fins often have a narrow blue border and a blackish line in front of it. Pelvic fins are orange-red with a dark bluish grey distal edge. Juveniles are orange or yellow with pale blue spots, smaller than adults.


Widespread in the Indo-Pacific from South Africa to the Red Sea and east to the Line Islands; north to Japan and south to Australia. Occurs off most islands in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific. Absent from the Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf.


Marine benthopelagic fishes. They live in the clear waters of coral reefs at depths of one to 120 metres, and are more likely to be found in open water than in sheltered bays and lagoons. 


The maximum body length is 50 centimetres.


They form small groups consisting of a dominant male and a harem of 2-12 females. The group occupies an area of up to 475 m². They do not migrate.

Food and feeding habits

Feeds mainly in the early morning and midday hours. Diet consists of small fish (mainly of the genus Pseudanthias) and crustaceans. Prey is ambushed. 


Protogynous hermaphrodites.


Commercial Fisheries Objective.

Relationship with a person

Used in aquariums.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Perciformes
Family Serranidae
Genus Cephalopholis
Species C. miniata
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 50
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Predator

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