
Guide to marine fish with sorting and selection options by family, feeding method, size, and other important characteristics.

Goldrim surgeonfish

Goldrim surgeonfish

Latin nameAcanthurus nigricansOther namesVelvet surgeon, whitecheek surgeonfish, yellow-banded surge..



Latin name Lophius americanus Other names American goosefish, anglerfish, monkfish, lotte, bellyf..



Latin name Cephalopholis cruentata Other names Spanish: enjambre, cherna enjambre, cuna cabrilla...

Great barracuda

Great barracuda

Latin nameSphyraena barracudaOther namesSphyraena barracudaIdentificationCharacteristic of this fish..

Great hammerhead

Great hammerhead

Latin nameSphyrna mokarranOther namesSphyrna mokarranIdentificationThey have a characteristic spindl..

Great sturgeon

Great sturgeon

Latin nameHuso husoOther namesBeluga,  beluga sturgeonIdentificationHas typical characteristics..

Greater weever

Greater weever

Latin nameTrachinus dracoOther namesTrachinus draco Linnaeus, Trachinus lineatus Bloch & Schneid..

Green humphead parrotfish

Green humphead parrotfish

Latin nameBolbometopon muricatumOther namesBumphead parrotfish, humphead parrotfish, double-headed p..

Greenblotch parrotfish

Greenblotch parrotfish

Latin nameScarus quoyiOther namesQuoy's, quoy's parrotfish.IdentificationThis species is characteriz..

Greenland halibut

Greenland halibut

Latin nameReinhardtius hippoglossoidesOther namesGreenland turbotIdentificationThe body is elongated..

Greenland Shark

Greenland Shark

Latin nameSomniosus microcephalusOther namesGurry shark, grey shark, Somniosus microcephalusIdentifi..

Grey reef shark

Grey reef shark

Latin nameCarcharhinus amblyrhynchosOther namesGray reef sharkIdentificationThe body of the fish is ..

Grouper, Black

Grouper, Black

Latin name Mycteroperca bonaci Other names Rockfish; Portuguese: badejo-ferro, badejoquadrado; Sp..

Grouper, Goliath

Grouper, Goliath

Latin name Epinephelus itajara Other names Jewfish, spotted jewfish, southern jewfish, junefish, ..

Grouper, Nassau

Grouper, Nassau

Latin name Epinephelus striatus Other names Hamlet; Creole: negue; French: mérou rayé; Spanish: c..

Showing 196 to 210 of 607 (41 Pages)